Rubén D'Hers is a current Villa Romana fellow,  recipient of the Senat Berlin Cultural exchange stipend Berlin - Tokyo 2021, Stiftung Kunstfonds working stipend 2020 and the emerging artist award grant Cisneros Fontanals Foundation CIFO 2018 among others.

His work has been exhibited and performed at venues like Tokyo Arts & Space (JP), Funkhaus Berlin, Centro Cultural Metropolitano Quito (EC), Artica Svalbard (NO), Interstice - Rencontres des Inclassables (FR) Klangraum Krems (AT), Cashmere Radio (DE), Netwerk Center for Contemporary Arts (BE), Heart of Noise Festival (AT), The Empty Gallery (HK), Donau Festival (AT), Le Bon Accueill (FR), Autres Mesures - festival de musique contemporaine in situ (FR), TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (ES), City Sonic Sound Art Festival (BE), Kunsthaus Bregenz (AT), Kontejner (HR), Oficina #1 (VE), ZKM Karlsruhe (DE), Neues Museum Weimar (DE) & SeaM Weimar (DE).

He holds an MFA in Sound Studies at the Berlin University of Arts and a BFA in Media Art & Design at the Bauhaus University Weimar.


rubén d´hers

rubendhers (@) gmail com


instagram: @rubendhers


- Villa Romana Prize 2024.

- 20.01.2024 Biennale du sonLe Mans Sonore. 

- 21.09.2023 -05.10.2023. Cluster #27. My head sounds like that – solo exhibition by Rubén D´Hers.
 | Labor Neunzehn

- 07.10.22 - 08.01.2023. TEA - Tenerife Espacio de las Artes. "Cabilla"

- 23.07.22 Artist talk - MAETANI Kai / Rubén D'HERS. Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo.

- 20.07.22 Sound installation & presentation at Noa Nishihara´s Sound Art class, Gendai - Tokyo University of the Arts.

- 09.07 - 14.08.2022. Group exhibition. From a Dusky Canal to the Pale Blue Sky. Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo.

- 27.06.22 Concert: Aquiles Hadjis (self-made electric guitars and synthesizers, bass taishogoto), Rubén D'Hers (electric guitars) , Asagaya Ten. Tokyo.

- 23.06.22 Concert: Aquiles Hadjis ((self-made electric guitars and synthesizers, bass taishogoto), Rubén D'Hers (electric guitars) Permian Tokyo.

- 01.06 - 29.07.2022 Institutional Recommendation Programm - Tokyo Arts & Space, Tokyo.

- MaerzMusik - A Garden of Forking Paths – Finale - 26 - 27.03.22 - Cahsmere Radio

- Open Studio - TOKAS Tokyo Arts & Space Residency 10 - 12.12.2021

- Chords tunnel #2 at KIKK festival 04 - 07.11.2021 Belgium

- Faint Music. Plural Domains: Selected Works from the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation Collection. Harn Museum of Art. 09.09.21 - 24.04.22

- Kulturaustauschstipendien des Landes Berlin - Bildende Kunst: Tokyo 2021

- Residency Arts & Space Tokyo. 01.09 - 31.11.21.

- Sehsaal Projektraum Wien, Austria. 15.01.2021

- Album release: Objetos Musicais - Homage to Walter Smetak. Buh Records 30.04.2021


Listen ->

At Cashmere Passage concert series. Cashmere Radio. 19.06.20

Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn. Work stipend 2020.

Residency at Villa Sträuli, swizerland. 15-02.2019

In Cashmere Radio with Wanderlust Winter Special by Katharina Schmidt. 03.02.2020

In Borealis - festival for experimental music, Bergen, Norway with Wanderlust by Katharina Schmidt. 4.–8.03.2020

Performing at Giegling at Funkhaus Berlin: Gegen Die Schwerkraft, 05.10.19

Arctica Svalbard. Longyearbyen, 06 - 09.06.2019

Review- Bolero Transparente by Brian Olewnick

Review - Bolero Transparente by TJ Norris at Toneshift

Curating concert series: Siganling Distances : Alternative paradigms in radiophonic performance. Cashmere Radio 01.04 - 20.07.2019

Performing at Funkhaus Berlin, Nalepastrße 18. Giegling at Funkhaus . 03.03.2018
Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO) Grants & Commissions 2018. Centro Cultural Metropolitano. Quito, Ecuador. 06.10.2018

Festival ]interstice[ 13. Caen. Normandy, France - 9 - 20.05.2018

Recherchestipendium Bildende Kunst 2017 - Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa - Berlin.

Music for feature film. Jasminez del Lídice. Dir. Rubén Sierra Salles, Cine Cercano, Tumbarrancho Films, MX -VE. 2017

Solo exhibition. Le Bon Accueil,. 20.02.2017. Rennes, France

Concert. Autres Mesures - festival de musique contemporaine in situ 22.01.2017, Rennes.

"Sound observations of indoor space 1- 2016" at Sol Calero´s “La Sauna Caliente” 22.10.2016 - 15.01.2017, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria.

City Sonic Sound Art Festival ,Transcultures - Centre Interdisciplinaire des cultures numériques et sonores, 14.09 - 25.09.2016, Mons, Belgium.

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