Ara ararauna, 2019

Birdcage, Blue- Yellow Macaw feather, cable, dc motor, transducer, audio file & amplifier.
Maëlle Galerie. Galerie d´art contemporain. Paris.

Please Leave This World: Paolo Cirio, Rubén D’Hers, Regina José Galindo, John Isaacs, Carlos Martiel, Jérémie Paul, Rosemberg Sandoval et le Gang, Mouvement d'art porno du Brésil (Eduardo Kac). Commissariat : Rolando J. Carmona

Ara Ararauna emerges from a series of sound objects derived from homemade recordings of the Blue-and-Yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna). In this piece, a cage, a macaw feather, a motor, and a transducer together function as a kind of vocal apparatus for the playback of an audio file. However, rather than featuring the bird’s actual call, the recording captures an improvisation performed with a violin bow in which the artist attempts to mimic the macaw’s vocalizations.

As the audio file is transmitted through a vibration speaker attached to the cage`s surface, the resonances, harmonics, and feedback generated during the improvisation are reactivated, resonating once more within the cage. This layered resonance finds a physical expression in the macaw feather, which flutters in response to the vibrations, embodying the dynamics of sound and evoking the gestures of the bird itself.

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