I still hear the soft roar of a distant crowd

Prepared guitars, cable & computer controlled dc motors.
Église du Vieux-Saint-Sauveur.
Interstice 13 / Rencontres des Inclassables. Caen, 2018.

I still hear the soft roar of a distant crowdPrepared guitars, cable & computer controlled dc motors. Église du Vieux-Saint-Sauveur. Interstice 13 / Rencontres des Inclassables. Caen, 2018.
I still hear the soft roar of a distant crowd
Prepared guitars, cable & computer controlled dc motors. 
Église du Vieux-Saint-Sauveur. Interstice 13 / Rencontres des Inclassables. Caen, 2018.

Built with Berta.me